Frequently Asked Questions.
No, you do not need a referral to see us at Synapse Psychology. If you wish to claim a Medicare rebate for the sessions, then you do need to have a referral from your GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician.
Medicare rebates for up to 10 sessions per year are available for psychological treatment by registered mental health professionals, under the Federal Government's Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative. The rebate amount that you can claim from Medicare will vary depending on whether you will be seeing a Clinical Psychologist or a Psychologist.
Further information can be obtained here - https://psychology.org.au/psychology/medicare-rebates-psychological-services
No, we are a private billing practice and do have a gap fee for our services. For more information please contact administration.
The average number of therapy sessions ranges from 6 to 15. However, each situation is unique and will depend upon the presenting concerns. Your therapist will discuss with you their estimate of the amount of sessions you will need in therapy; there is no obligation to continue if you do not wish. Sessions for assessments vary according to the nature of the problem, please call administration to discuss your particular situation.
First appointments are 60 - 75 minutes long to allow sufficient time for us to get a good indication of what is troubling you. Appointments after this are spaced at hourly intervals, and you will be seen for about 50 to 55 minutes, with the extra time devoted to making case notes, and other administrative matters.
Any information and records regarding you are kept strictly confidential, securely locked away in files and only disclosed to additional parties with your prior consent. There are some qualifications to this:
• If you were referred by a medical practitioner under the Medicare rebate initiative we need to send them regular reports of your progress. It may also be appropriate to liaise with them regarding related medical issues and medication.
• Where the cost of your consultations are covered by an insurance company they may require regular reports about your progress in therapy. If there are particular issues that come up in your therapy that you do not wish to have written about, please indicate this to your therapist.
• If there are specific concerns about your safety or those of others close to you, then we may have to take action about disclosing this to other professionals who will be involved in you and your loved one’s safekeeping.
• If you are involved in any legal situation be aware that your file could be subpoenaed and that your clinician will have no say in the matter. Even if you have agreed to a 3rd party to have access to your private information, such as an insurer, we will discuss with you the implications of such actions, so you can provide informed consent before we hand the information over.
The first appointment is about getting to know you better and for you to get to know your therapist. We will aim to gain a detailed understanding of your concerns and difficulties, how they came about and your goals and expectations of treatment. We then work with you to develop a flexible treatment plan to meet your specific needs, preferences and circumstances.
If you have the required level of cover you will be able to claim a portion of the fee from your private health. Private Health Funds will vary in the rebate that they offer, please contact your fund for more information.
Synapse is able to offer telehealth services to clients who find it difficult to attend sessions in-person at our offices, either due to personal circumstances or distance. All Synapse Psychology clinicians offer telehealth as a service, with two of our clinicians offering telehealth as a dedicated service.
You will need a valid referral from your GP (if you intend to claim a Medicare rebate), access to a phone, tablet or computer and reliable Wi-Fi if you are going to do a video call.A telehealth session is very much the same as a FaceTime call and you will very soon even forget that you are speaking to your therapist via this medium, finding the process easy. Payment terms and conditions will be discussed with you prior to the session and your Medicare rebate will be arranged via our friendly reception staff.
• Psychologists have typically completed 6 years of education and training (an undergraduate degree, and or postgraduate degree with specialist training with both practical and theoretical components). They are registered with the Australian Health Practitioner’s Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as well as with the National Psychology Board. Psychologists have a strict code of ethics to adhere to. Psychologists typically use a range of cognitive and behavioural therapies to assist people in the treatment of psychological distress and enhancing well-being. They do not prescribe medication.
• Psychiatrists are medical practitioners (doctors) who have studied 6 years of medicine and undergo further study to specialise in mental health. Psychiatrists are also required to be registered with AHPRA and adhere to a strict code of ethics. They can prescribe medications such as antidepressants as a treatment of psychological distress. They may also use a combination of medication and cognitive behavioural therapies.
• Counsellors and Psychotherapists vary in their education, training, therapeutic approaches. The titles “counsellor” and “Psychotherapist” is not regulated in Australia. Counselling is a talking therapy where emotional problems are worked through together to find a better way of coping.
Talking with a Psychologist allows you to talk openly with someone whose objective, empathic and non-judgmental. Through talking to your psychologist, you work together to identify the problem, what may be maintaining the problem, and learning new strategies to better understand everyday difficulties and more significant mental health issues.
For children to feel comfortable in sharing their feelings and concerns, it is important they understand what kind of information will be kept private. Often at the first session the child, parents, and psychologist will sit down together to discuss the issue of confidentiality and outline what types of information the psychologist might disclose to parents, and what he or she will keep confidential.
For example, if a child discloses activity that puts themselves or someone else at serious risk of harm, the parent will be advised and an action plan established. Therapy with children will often use a range of techniques and play activities to engage them in the process and help them with their difficulties
Life sometimes happens and it may be difficult to keep your appointment. As soon as you know you can’t attend your appointment, please ring administration and advise them of your situation. We require 48 hour notice of cancellation. If you cancel in less than 48 hours, you may be charged the full amount of your session fee, if we are unable to fill your appointment time with another client.